Saturday 27 November 2010

Friday 26th November 2010

i discussion with my supervisor my work and progress so far.

When looking through the work we could identify that a key element was missing. This element refered to referencing the client and the clients needes and requirements. This included:
pages required
any design requirements
initial ideas

Following the completion of this the design stage can begin. i will be liesion with the client with a variety of paper based design to find out what visuals they require and interactivity needed before producing the final storyboard.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Friday 5th November

Following a weeks thinking time i had final discuverd an idea from friends and family.
The idea was to create an interactive application that would give the user a tour of a local community centre (The Clifton Road Centre: Darlington)

Following this discussion and the options for this application it was clear this idea had more range and options to discuver.

from this meeting there is a set of tasks to complete
begin to create the specification document
Market and Inspiration Research
User Reqirements

Friday 15th October

Todays meeting was an inidial meet and greet with my project supervisor to get some background information about both myself and my course to know which pathways i was on and capability.

We discussed the initial idea of creating a website for my brothers band and the siiets limitations. Following this discussion we established that there are only a certain amount of things to do for a bands website such as content, feel and apperaanace.

To conclude this meeting we then decided to rearrance a meeting on the 5th to give me a bit more time to think through ideas.